Energy transition, Sustainable development and environmental sustainability

The United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are considered guiding principles for achieving a better and sustainable future for all.

A major goal is to ensure access for all to modern, reliable, sustainable and affordable energy.
One of the renewable energy sources available to help meet the growing demand for energy is bioenergy, which can make a significant contribution to social and economic development, particularly in rural areas.

Raising community awareness about sustainable bioenergy opportunities and practices
A relevant aspect is the mobilization and involvement of stakeholders, strengthening cooperation between actors, and disseminating information and knowledge about different renewable energy sources and solutions based on them.

The Green Energy Cluster is constantly promoting and raising awareness of local communities to adopt sustainable solutions and practices regarding environmental issues, waste management, and issues related to biomass energy production.
BioVillMap Platform

In this context, the Green Energy Cluster in partnership with the Department for Sustainable Development has initiated the creation of this platform that maps the approaches and achievements of communities in the transition to sustainable energy.

The aim of the platform is to inspire communities in the transition to clean energy based on local sources. The BioVillMap platform shows which sustainable communities are securing energy from local biomass sources.

Specifically, the map is designed so that anyone can find out details about investment, results, partners, community.

The Green Energy Cluster - promoter of solid biomass for energy, developed the 1 village 1 MW concept, participated in impactful projects such as BioVill - Bioenergy based villages or AgroBioHeat - Promoting agricultural biomass for energy. Projects that have played an extremely important role in disseminating knowledge in the field of bioenergy in Romania.

Targeted Sustainable Development Goals

Energie curată pentru comunități durabile